"Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies." Psalm 36:5

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

I can't believe how quickly time has passed since my last post.  It was wonderful to get your Christmas cards, read your greetings and see your pics.  Our most precious blessings are the wonderful friends and family the good Lord has placed in our lives.  Even through the hard times and challenges life hands us, blessings can still be found all around us...sometimes we have to look hard for them, but they are always there.  May this coming year bring us all new opportunities to cherish those blessings, be thankful for them and glorify Christ in everything we do. 
God bless you and
Christmas & New Year blessings to you from Florida!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Who said turning 40 had to be boring?...
...okay, so I'm a little passed 40. LOL
Hubby asked what I wanted for my birthday...hmm...

It didn't take long to figure out an answer...to try jet skiing!
I had never done it before but it looked fun so
I decided to go for it and boy was I glad I did! 
It was totally FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!  I highly recommend it!

When can we go again????

Thank you Honey for a great birthday & thanks to
Jason at Xtreme H2O Watersports Rentals in Destin for his thorough instructions for this newbie, 
his friendliness and first rate jet skiis...plus they give military discounts! 

It was the Labor Day weekend, so Crab Island in the bay was totally packed!!! 
 I was amazed I didn't run into anybody and nobody ran into me!
Thank goodness the bay is ginormous &
there was plenty of space to zip around away from the crowds. 
After a very stressful & challenging couple of months...okay years...it turned out to be a great way to relieve stress. 
Hmmm...maybe now I can figure out how to get him to buy me one!! 

Thank you Jesus for the little joys in life that keep us going & another year keep discovering them!!! 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

PC Beach Conditions Update

I just realized that it's been quite awhile since my last update on the coastal conditions
here in relation to the oil spill. 

Great news, as the recent photos I took show, the little bit of tar balls that made it here a couple months ago have been cleaned up and thankfully the oil itself never made it this far thanks to Hurricane Alex back in July and the prevailing winds & currents that continued to push it all westward following that...thank you Lord.

I'm not sure what the beach conditons are to our west except that we did visit Destin last month
and the beach was clean and nice. 

I took this photo from the pier at St. Andrews State Park...amazing caribbean looking waters!

I believe this is a beautiful white Snowy Egret enjoying the sunshine & clear waters...
while keeping an eye out for lunch.

A school of fishies passes by and lunch has been found!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Econfina Springs River

This weekend some great new friends (locals) took us kayaking Econfina Springs creek, a 26 mile creek fed by multiple natural springs which provide 80% of Panama City's water supply.  Some of the springs are made up of divable caves and all the water is a constant 68 degrees year round. Here my hubby is getting ready to try to swim down into the spring cave.  We have no clue how far down it goes but he couldn't get very far because the pressure of the water coming up kept pushing him back to the top.

Another spring along the route

We stopped to eat some fried chicken and shared some with the fishies...this little guy stole a piece and ran back for cover...if you look close you can see the chicken in his mouth...also notice the other turtle on the right...he chased the little guy all over the place trying to steal his meal,lol.  The water was so clear it's almost hard to tell they're under water.

Another beautiful spring...that's me in the kayak.

Me trying to keep up with our friends in the canoe.

You know you're in Florida when you have to paddle around a palm tree in the river,lol.
The 8 mile trek took us 4hrs...I could barely lift my skinny little arms when we were done but it was a blast and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pensacola Yacht Club

Went to Hubby's office picnic here on Saturday...built in 1908, it's a beautiful place that has weathered many storms.
Unfortunately hurricane Ivan took out many of the huge, 100yr old oak trees on the property and left the remaining oaks stripped of most of their limbs...but still standing strong...like Christ helps us to do through life's storms...praise God.

"proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor."
                                                       Isaiah 61:2-4

Friday, July 9, 2010

You Know You're in Florida When...

As a "Newbee" to the great state of Florida, I guess there are some things we need to learn from the "Old Timers" here.  This was sent to my husband by an Old Timer...it's hilarious...you gotta read it...


~ The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
~ The trees are whistling for the dogs.
~ The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
~ Hot water now comes out of both taps.
~ You can make sun tea instantly.
~ You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.
~ The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly.
~ You discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.
~ You discover you can get sunburned through your car window.
~ You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
~ You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30a.m.
~ Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"
~ You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
~ The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter, salt and pepper.
~ Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.
~ The cows are giving evaporated milk.
............Ah, what a place to call home! Ha,ha, love it!

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July in Mexico Beach, FL

Tropical storm/hurricane Alex winds had been pushing the oil away from our beaches during the week,
so we were blessed with the opportunity to celebrate our Independance Day at the beach.  We wanted
to avoid the massive crowds in our area so we drove down to the small town of Mexico Beach about
50 miles to the east of us to check out their fireworks display.  It was a wonderful day.
Relaxing by sea...

Enjoying God's beautiful artwork in the sky...

The cool seashell art on the beach...

And walking along the shore getting sand between our toes!

Then it was off to the pier to watch the fireworks over the water!

They were awesome!!!

Happy Birthday America!
May God bless us all with His wisdom, discernment, protection & a repentant heart.

"...the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him,
on those whose hope is in his unfailing love..."
Psalm 33:18

Friday, June 25, 2010

Surf On Pensacola Beach Boiling Like Acid

Gregg Hall of Pensacola, FL posted this recent video of the oil that washed up on shore...horrible.
He's right...May God help us all...

If the video doesn't load correctly, just try clicking in the middle of the image.

Today's Update:  As of yesterday the high tide is covering up the oil under 1-8" of sand, which is making cleanup even harder.  Plus, it looks like a tropical storm my hit us soon...

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Oil Has Arrived...sob...sob

I so hate to have to report this but the oil has arrived here.  Tar balls have been washing ashore here since Thursday night, even creeping into the protected bay area of St. Andrews State Park where I took and posted the photos last week.  I haven't had time to go out and get any photos myself but Sandcastle Momma, who lives down the road in Destin, just posted recent pics & excellent commentary of her area...just follow this link to see the updates...

I'll try and get some photos of our beaches posted soon...let's please all pray that they'll be able to stop the leak and eventually get everything cleaned up and back to the beautiful way the good Lord created it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Few PC Beach Critters

Since moving here we've come across some interesting critters like sting rays, jellyfish, snakes, brilliant green lizards and even an armadillo.  Unfortunately, I've only had my camera a few of these times, like when I came across this guy outside our apartment...

While living in Oklahoma, we'd seen many armadillos that never made it across the road...this was the first time I'd seen one alive and searching for food...pretty cool.
I also had my camera with me at the beach one spring day when, after a storm, there were quite a few of these clear jellyfish that had washed up on the shore...
From what I've been able to research, this thankfully is not a venemous jelly so that's a relief since there were quite a few in the water along with these Moon Jellyfish which do sting a little bit...

According to the locals, pouring vinegar on the sting and scraping off the stingers with a credit card is the best way to deal with these...so of course I added a small bottle of vinegar to my beach bag.
Recently, about a month ago right after the oil spill had just occurred, I came across about 5 dead Portugese Man O War jellys washed up on the shore, just didn't have my camera...those are scary because they are very poisonous & painfull...here's a photo from the internet...
Yeah, I could have done without knowing these were in our waters!

Friday, June 11, 2010

PC Beaches Update

I went down to the beach today to see what condition they were in
and thankfully they were still crystal clear and beautiful...
I took these at St. Andrews State Park on the east side of Panama City Beach, FL.

Sadly, if BP & the feds don't get their act together
we're afraid the beautiful gulf coast ocean the good Lord created
and the inhabitants He filled it with will be short lived.
Seems they're making a mess of the cleanup efforts
to the west of us...their incompetence amazes me. 

Santa Spotted In Florida

Incase you've ever wondered where Santa would go on vacation,
we've discovered the answer... Destin, Florida!
We spotted him this weekend at the Baytown Wharf in the Sandestin Resort chatting intently on his cell phone.  No doubt making sure the reindeer are behaving up north, lol.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day


"Greater love has no one than this,
that he lay down his life for his friends."

John 15:12-14

As the wife of a Veteran, I want to take this opportunity to thank my wonderful husband and every Veteran, past and present, for your sacrifices for our country and our precious freedoms.  
The Lord's grace and your faithful service are responsible for all the freedoms we enjoy including our freedom of religion and of speech.
May we as American citizens, do our part to insure we do not loose them and that your sacrifices will not have been in vain. 
Thank you Honey, I love you very much.
To the rest of our indispensable active & retired military...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

PC Beaches Still Beautiful

Thank the Lord the oil hasn't reached our beaches yet...
praying they get it stopped & cleaned up soon!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Apalachicola, Fl - Oyster Capital of Florida

Fishing boats during a recent trip to Apalachicola Bay which produces 90% of Florida's oysters and 10% of the nationwide supply...these oysters have a reputation with chefs across the US as being some of the finest tasting oysters available.
Apalachicola River and Bay meet in the eastern Gulf of Mexico to form one of the most unspoiled and productive estuaries in the country...the mixure of salt and fresh water makes an ideal nursery for oysters, shrimp, crabs and a variety of fish. 
Where we ate freshly caught Apalachicola oysters...not big on raw...definitely prefer baked or fried.
Funny sign we saw in a gift shop window...
I liked this one too...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

...In The Midst of Chaos

Being new to the area, we were warned...many, many times by the locals....heard rumors that sent chills up our spines...could it be true?  "Just wait" they said, "hoards of them everywhere." "Don't even think about going to the beach...just forget it even exists...better yet, stay safe inside until after Easter."  The phenomenom decends on the community the 1st week of March and stays around til after Easter...or so we're told.  Listening to the dread in the locals voices made us wonder "Could it really be true?" 

Well, I'm here to tell you...yes, it is true.  The dreaded Spring Break! LOL  Hoards of college students everywhere!  Traffic backed up for miles at the lights, cash registers backed up to the clothes departments with carts full of beer, chips & overly, shall I say, enthusiastic young people at the local grocery store (don't even think of making a quick trip or finding a parking space for that matter).  And that's not even along the beach road...there you'll have to be careful to not run over all the hoards that were formerly in the long grocery lines with their beer carts but are now walking (or stumbling) along (and in the middle of) the road shouting, hooting, hollering and not watching where they are going, totally oblivious to the fact that they just may not make it back to college if they don't watch where they're going (or sober up). 

Then you get the ones behind the wheel...oh joy. Thankfully, we live a few streets removed from the main beach road so we just have to deal with long lines of cars backed up at the lights & someone gunning his motor and racing down the road at all hours of the night...so when is Easter this year?

Oh did I mention the balcony jumpers (fallers)?  Sadly, the locals say that has become one of the first signs of spring around here...when the first balcony fall/jump happens (thanks to the previously mentioned beer/liquor cart)...thankfully, the first one only resulted in non-life threatening injuries...but sadly I do have to add, we had a second incident recently that was fatal.

In all fairness, I have heard reports that not all spring breakers behave this way...a few have actually been observed behaving themselves in public, picking up trash left behind on the beaches from partiers the night before (those, I'm told, came from a Christian college up north) and even paying for the lunch of an elderly man at a fast food place.  Whoever you are...Thank You Very Much!!
So that brings us to our quest this last weekend to find a quiet beach to visit.  "Is it even possible?" I pondered.  We were determined to find out, so we packed up our stuff early Saturday morning and headed south where we were pleasantly surprised to find Mexico Beach (south of Panama City & Tyndall AFB).  It's a beautiful, small, peaceful beach community of about 1,000 people...and it was practically deserted!  How wonderful!  There were no skyscraper condos, nighclubs or even a Walmart but it does have quaint cottage homes, small beach condos, a park, a small grocery store, quirky little gift shops and several restaurants along with miles of the some of the most beautiful, white sandy beaches along the Emerald Coast.  But don't tell anyone...let's keep it our little secret...
Mexico Beach, Florida

Cool & unique beach chairs at a local shop.

Sweet, peaceful solitude!

What a view!
Finding this place of peace and solitude amongst the chaos of spring break reminded me of the peace that is offered to us in the midst of the storms & chaos of life.  We have to do our part and look for it...but there is such a great reward in doing so.

For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him (Jesus), and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Colossians 1:19-20

Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

We have had some very tough storms to weather these last 6yrs...at first I thought I would drown and never be able to come up for air...never experience peace or joy again.  But thankfully, my Savior reached down and pulled me back up into His arms and restored my joy and peace.  It's been a learning process...He's been teaching me how to make sure I don't wonder off again...and grow weak...how staying at His feet, in His presence daily (like Mary did when Martha was staying busy) is the only way in which He can fill me with His peace and joy...and thankfully, with joy comes strength...even in the midst of chaos.

The joy of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10

May He be your's also.