"Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies." Psalm 36:5

Friday, June 25, 2010

Surf On Pensacola Beach Boiling Like Acid

Gregg Hall of Pensacola, FL posted this recent video of the oil that washed up on shore...horrible.
He's right...May God help us all...

If the video doesn't load correctly, just try clicking in the middle of the image.

Today's Update:  As of yesterday the high tide is covering up the oil under 1-8" of sand, which is making cleanup even harder.  Plus, it looks like a tropical storm my hit us soon...

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Oil Has Arrived...sob...sob

I so hate to have to report this but the oil has arrived here.  Tar balls have been washing ashore here since Thursday night, even creeping into the protected bay area of St. Andrews State Park where I took and posted the photos last week.  I haven't had time to go out and get any photos myself but Sandcastle Momma, who lives down the road in Destin, just posted recent pics & excellent commentary of her area...just follow this link to see the updates...

I'll try and get some photos of our beaches posted soon...let's please all pray that they'll be able to stop the leak and eventually get everything cleaned up and back to the beautiful way the good Lord created it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Few PC Beach Critters

Since moving here we've come across some interesting critters like sting rays, jellyfish, snakes, brilliant green lizards and even an armadillo.  Unfortunately, I've only had my camera a few of these times, like when I came across this guy outside our apartment...

While living in Oklahoma, we'd seen many armadillos that never made it across the road...this was the first time I'd seen one alive and searching for food...pretty cool.
I also had my camera with me at the beach one spring day when, after a storm, there were quite a few of these clear jellyfish that had washed up on the shore...
From what I've been able to research, this thankfully is not a venemous jelly so that's a relief since there were quite a few in the water along with these Moon Jellyfish which do sting a little bit...

According to the locals, pouring vinegar on the sting and scraping off the stingers with a credit card is the best way to deal with these...so of course I added a small bottle of vinegar to my beach bag.
Recently, about a month ago right after the oil spill had just occurred, I came across about 5 dead Portugese Man O War jellys washed up on the shore, just didn't have my camera...those are scary because they are very poisonous & painfull...here's a photo from the internet...
Yeah, I could have done without knowing these were in our waters!

Friday, June 11, 2010

PC Beaches Update

I went down to the beach today to see what condition they were in
and thankfully they were still crystal clear and beautiful...
I took these at St. Andrews State Park on the east side of Panama City Beach, FL.

Sadly, if BP & the feds don't get their act together
we're afraid the beautiful gulf coast ocean the good Lord created
and the inhabitants He filled it with will be short lived.
Seems they're making a mess of the cleanup efforts
to the west of us...their incompetence amazes me. 

Santa Spotted In Florida

Incase you've ever wondered where Santa would go on vacation,
we've discovered the answer... Destin, Florida!
We spotted him this weekend at the Baytown Wharf in the Sandestin Resort chatting intently on his cell phone.  No doubt making sure the reindeer are behaving up north, lol.