"Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies." Psalm 36:5

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Travel Tails

Our journey from Ohio to Florida was quite an experience with our pooch, Shep.  We were a tad worried he may not travel well since we were told he came from a abusive home...plus, we had only had him for a little over a year and hadn't done any long distance traveling with him. Thankfully, all in all, he was a pretty great traveler, always happy to be sitting behind Dad in the truck while on the road.

Our only issues arose when we had to stay in hotels while on the road and waiting for our household goods to arrive.  Can you say separation issues?  We couldn't leave him alone in the hotel room for more than 5 minutes without him whinning and barking up a storm!  So, needless to say, he came with us almost everywhere we went.  Even the beach!

Yup, they have a dog friendly beach here...how cool is that!  I believe he's gonna fit in just right with our beach loving family... 

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